Tag Archives: adventure

I laugh in the face of normal.


Dearest Roamers & Wanderers,

Today marks my 200th post! For those of you (mostly family, and a few friends, I imagine) who have stuck with me these past few years on my adventures in DC and in Madrid, THANK YOU! For your inspiration. For your encouragement. For your strength. And for pushing me to be more. More patient. More kind. And more adventurous.

I heard this commercial the other day that claimed: Normal can never be amazing.

That’s a pretty bold statement. And as an advocate for adventure, my immediate response is YES! If we always let ourselves border on normal, and never explore, never seek the next adventure, then we can easily be lost in our normalness.

It’s seems easy enough to end this post with one of my typical calls to

go into the deep wild,

get lost,

and find yourself in the middle of roaring wind

and never ending streams, that move you from your comfort zone,

and fill you with deep passion

and desire for life.

And I don’t go against that.

But I wonder if we are putting negativity on our normal lives, making ourselves feel bad for being normal. When in fact, normal isn’t so bad. There is in fact adventure in ordinary things.

Extraordinary things come from ordinary things.

Extordinary things depend on our attitude, our commitment , and our relationships. We are responsible for adventure.

One normal summer night last week, I anticipated a boring evening. But thanks to my dad’s need for relaxation and exploration, I ended up riding around in a ’41 dodge, glimpsing at a beautiful garden, finding an orange flicker woodpecker feather, and watching bats snatch up a mosquito dinner just at dusk, while sitting around a fire, chatting wtih my dad.

Normal you say? I laugh in the face of normal.



What adventure have you found in normal? 

(images via moving the shine in dark places & quotediary.me)