
“Any story worth its salt can handle a little shaking up.”

Salman Rushdie, Haroun and the Sea of Stories

“Learn a new language and get a new soul.”

Czech Proverb

“El amor nos vuelve buenos. No importa quién amemos, tampoco importa ser correspondidos o si la relación enduradera. Basta la experiencia de amar, eso nos transforma.”

“Love makes us good. It doesn´t matter who we love, or if the love is corresponded, or if the relationship lasts. The experience of love in itself is enough, the love is what transforms us”.

Isabel Allende, El Cuaderno de Maya

“May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art – write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.”

Neil Gaiman

“That deep shiver of gladness which you only get if you are being solemn and still”

C.S. Lewis, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

“People aren’t like numbers. They’re more like letters… and those letters want to become stories… and dad said that stories need to be shared”.

Oskar Schell, Extremely Loud, Incredibly Close (Jonathan Safran Foer)

“If I ever become a woman who doesn’t want change in her life, I’m doomed”.

Sharday Brown, at Seedlingz 

“Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.”

Jim Elliot

“Mystery is not the absence of meaning, but the presence of more meaning than we can comprehend.”

Dennis Covington

“Approach every task as though it were the moment that will define you.”

Jol Dantzig

“You may not always see the impact you have, and that’s where danger of discouragement comes about – as you follow Jesus Christ in a humble and authentic way, you will be like salt, which makes people thirst for truth about God, and you will be like light, which shines the compassion of God into the dark recesses of despair in the world.”

Lee Strobel

“Though a particular course of undertaking of yours failed, you are still a beautiful creation of God.”

Stanley C. Baldwin

“The love we give away is the only love we keep.”

Elbert Hubbard

“When we allow God’s love to fill our lives and to spill onto others, the life that God has prescribed for us happens naturally.”

Kay Marshall Strom

“When praying for others, we must be willing to be part of the answer if necessary. If we aren’t willing to be used to answer our own prayers we aren’t cooperating with God.”

Charles Stanley

“It takes great courage to back truth unacceptable to our times. There’s a punishment for it, and it’s usually crucifixion.”

John Steinbeck, East of Eden

“I learn to get by on little victories.”

Matt Nathanson


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