Tag Archives: writing



I love reading blogs. They are a great resources for sharing ideas and information. I realize that my blogging skills are quite amateur. By profession (and passion) I am a teacher. But I think in another life I may have been a journalist. I fill about a journal a month.

So because of this I love finding little gems like Trans-Iberian.

First of all, El Pais is a daily read for me… where I can get world news in Spanish. (Don’t worry… get it here in English!) Second, I love to read blog posts by other writers (whether they be professional journalists, succcesful writers, or aspiring amateurs)! It is encouraging to see where people find creativity.

But this blog is also very relevant to my current life: “a journey through Spain… as seen through the eyes of English-language [writer traveler]s”.

Check out this article on “Teaching English in the Time of Crisis“. Teachers are no longer just responsible for transferring their knowledge of a subject to the students (Let’s be honest… this was never a holistic teaching method anyway). In the global community we live in, language is a major tool of conflict management, international communication, and collectively surviving these moments of crisis.