Tabitha and Ashleigh’s Adventure Dictionary


Joy: when God’s presence fills your soul like a delicious cake

Stress: when your roommate says “oh my gosh” and you’re not sure what animal is waiting for you around the corner.

Tired: when you’ve been “trabajaring” so hard all day long and you do Insanity workouts anyway.

Itchy: is it worth looking to see if there is a bug?

Irony: when you have bananas for days, and you still have diarrhea.

Frustrated: When you only needed one more cup of water to get the toilet to flush down.

Hot: A. when the power goes out, and your AC goes off. B. When your nail polish melts onto your clothes.

Learning Spanish: getting yourself into a conversation you can’t continue because you don’t know enough.

Danger: 200 kids, 1 piñata.

Entertainment: 40-somethings booty-shaking.

Embarrassment: when they won’t stop talking about how everyone is blowing you kisses while you ride in the back of the truck.

Scared: holding on to 3 children, in the back of a truck, while going up a steep hill.

Confusion: when you forget which word means hungry and which word means man.

Taxi ride: feet scraping the ground while driving on flat tires.

Surrender: when you give up using bottled water to brush your teeth.

Friendship: when you slap someone in the face because you love them too much to let the bugs drain their life support.

Creepy: when your roommate laughs in her sleep.

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